
Ready to build the ship of dreams? Select two or more characters to get started!
RobinBoob's character search relies on the latest AO3 data dump, which was released in March 2021. Characters that were wrangled after that date are not currently available.
To learn about new characters being added, follow us on our socials which you can find in the footer.
You can try the following method:
  1. Locate a fic tagged with that character, and click the tag.
  2. You will be shown other works tagged with that character. At the top of the page, where it says "Works in [Character Tag]", click the character tag.
  3. You will be taken to an information page with a section titled either 'Mergers' or 'Subtags'. If it's mergers, click the listed synonym and follow the next directions. If it's subtags, click the subtag that matches the character you're thinking of.
  4. The next information page lists various tags associated with the character you clicked. If it seems to be the correct character (you can verify this by clicking 'Works' near the top-right), copy and paste the tag into our character search exactly as it appears.
  5. You can now press add (even if the suggestion doesn't appear), and it should find the character. If it doesn't that's a bug, and you can contact the webmistress to get it fixed :)
Pls HODL...
Start Over


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Absolutely! Please write me at [email protected] to get an edit token!

Unfortunately, the good ol' RobinBoob Twitter Account is now dead. Thanks, Elon!

Follow our social accounts or subscribe to our newsletter below to hear more news about ship watching.

Absolutely. Hold on to your lemons, we party like it's 2001 here!

I know, and I'm very ashamed. I literally ran out of time to fix it, and I have too much rightful fear-of-God to attempt to do so on such a quickly-put-together website.

Just take it as a tribute to AO3's greatness and never take speedy queries over large datasets for granted ever again.

Figuring out how to automatically get pictures for hundreds of thousands of characters was the biggest adventure in a fairly adventurous project, and deserves its own write up.

Just remember The Programmers' Credo, and believe me: I did my best.

In the meantime, enjoy The Once-ler!

Follow our social accounts or subscribe to our newsletter below to hear more news about characters being added.